マルチ・チャネル DMA PCI Express* 用インテル FPGA IP ユーザー・ガイド

ID 683821
日付 10/06/2023

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ドキュメント目次 Running Eye Viewer in the P-Tile Debug Toolkit

Steps to run Eye Viewer in the P-Tile Debug Toolkit
  1. In the System Console Tools menu option, click on Eye View Tool.
    注: The per-lane information under the Eye Viewer tab corresponds to the physical lanes.
    図 68. Opening the Eye Viewer
  2. これにより、Main Viewタブの横に新しいタブのEye View Toolが開きます。アイビューテストを実行するインスタンスとチャネルを選択します。
    図 69. インスタンスとチャネルを開く
  3. For P-Tile debug toolkit, set the Eye Max BER. Two options are available: 1e-9 or 1e-12.
  4. Click Start to begin the eye measurement for the selected channel.
  5. The messages window displays information messages to indicate the eye view tool's progress.
    図 70. Eye View Tool Messages
  6. Once the eye measurement is complete, the eye height, eye width and eye diagram are displayed.
    図 71. Sample Eye Plot [for BER = 1e-9 in P-Tile debug toolkit]
    図 72. Sample Eye Plot [for BER = 1e-12 in P-Tile debug toolkit]
    注: Full eye plot is not drawn for BER = 1e-12.
    注: For P-Tile debug toolkit eye margin mask, refer to the P-Tile Avalon Streaming Intel FPGA IP for PCI Express User Guide