マルチ・チャネル DMA PCI Express* 用インテル FPGA IP ユーザー・ガイド

ID 683821
日付 10/06/2023

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4.4.2. Avalon-MM 書き込みデータバス

The H2D Avalon-MM Write Master interface is used to write H2D DMA data to the external Avalon-MM slave. This port is 128-bit (x4) / 256-bit (x8/x4*)/ 512-bit (x16) write master that is capable of writing maximum 512 bytes of data per AVMM transaction. The WaitRequestAllowance of this port is enabled allowing the master to transfer continuously N data phases after the WaitRequest signal has been asserted.

Value of <N> for H2D AVMM Master is as follows:
  • 512-bit data-width is 16
  • 256-bit data-width is 32
  • 128-bit data-width is 64
注: In R-Tile, the Port x4 can be 256 bit write master when Gen4 4x4 Interface - 256 bit is selected in PCI Express Hard IP Mode.
表 38.  Avalon-MM 書き込みデータバス

Interface Clock Domain for H-Tile: coreclkout_hip

Interface Clock Domain for P-Tile, F-Tile and R-Tile: app_clk

信号名 I/Oタイプ Description
h2ddm_waitrequest_i Input H2D Wait Request
h2ddm_write_o Output H2D = 書き込み
h2ddm_address_o[63:0] Output AXI書き込みアドレス



x4 (128-bit): h2ddm_burstcount_o[5:0]

Output H2D Write Burst Count

x16 [511:0]

x4 [255:0]

x4 (128-bit): h2ddm_writedata_o[127:0]

Output H2D Write Data Payload



x4 (128-bit): h2ddm_byteenable_o[15:0]

Output バイト・イネーブルあり