インテルのみ表示可能 — GUID: zyf1523058409827
1.1. System Requirements
1.2. Setting Up the Environment
1.3. Migrating Simulation from Acceleration Stack Version 1.0 to Version 1.1 and Greater
1.4. Simulating hello_afu in Client-Server Mode
1.5. Simulating an AFU in Regression Mode
1.6. AFU Examples
1.7. Troubleshooting
1.8. Document Revision History for Intel Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU) Simulation Environment (ASE) Quick Start User Guide
インテルのみ表示可能 — GUID: zyf1523058409827
Ixiasoft Simulation Log Files
The waveform, CCI-P transactions, and simulation log files are stored in the simulation work directory.
To view the waveform database, perform the following steps:
- Go to the directory in which you executed the make sim command.
- Type:
$ make wave
A listing of CCI-P transactions is provided in ./work/ccip_transactions.tsv.
Log files are available in the directory specified in the simulator build_sim/work directory.