AN 922: Using the ECO Compilation Flow

ID 683873
Date 3/31/2022

1. AN 922: Using the ECO Compilation Flow

In a typical FPGA project development cycle, the specification of the programmable logic portion of the design can change during the design process. The Intel® Quartus® Prime software supports these last-minute, targeted engineering change orders (ECOs), even after full compilation is complete. This application note demonstrates implementation of ECO's with an example design.

ECOs typically occur during the design verification stage. For example, during verification you may determine that the design requires a small change, such as a netlist connection change, correcting a LUT logic error, or placing a node in a new location. Implementing an ECO change, rather than changing RTL and fully recompiling the design, requires significantly less time, and changes only the affected logic.

You specify the ECO commands in a Tcl script using the ::quartus::eco package.

Table 1.  ECO Command Quick Reference
ECO Change ECO Commands
make_connection -from <src> -to <dst> -port <port>
remove_connection -from <src> -to <dst> -port <port>
make_connection –tieoff <VCC/GND> -to <node> -port <port>
modify_lutmask -to <node> [-eqn <lut equation>] [-mask 0x00]
Slew Rate
modify_io_slew_rate <value> -to <pin_name>
Current Strength
modify_io_current_strength <value> -to <pin_name>
Delay Chains
modify_io_delay_chain <value> -type <io_type> -to <pin_name>
Update MIF
IOPLL Ref Clock ( Intel® Stratix® 10 devices only)
adjust_pll_refclk -to <pll name> -refclk <freq>
Create New Node
create_new_node -type <LUT|FF> -name <name>
Remove Node
remove_node -name <name>
Place Node
place_node -name <name> [-location <location>]
Unplace Node
unplace_node -name <name>
Create Wirelut
create_wirelut -from <src> -to <dst> -port <port> [-location <location>]

The activities of this application note are divided into the following sections:

Note: The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software supports ECOs only for Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel® Agilex™ devices.